April 23, 2019

BBC Special Interview with Chukwuemeka Ahubelem.

Emeka was born with autism but his parents did not know till he was 18 years old, initially they had assumed his speech was delayed.

source: bbc.com

Chukwuemeka Ahubelem has a special gift, he can tell the day of a week of any date, without looking at calendar as long as the date is after his year of birth. This gift was what prompted his interview with BBC.

After years of therapy and schooling, he improved greatly and started teaching. Emeka as he is fondly called by relatives and friends has participated in the special Olympics and has received several medals and awards for excellence as a hero of Autism.

Emeka is now 30 years old, and a teacher in Champion Vocational center, where he has the opportunity teach special adults, who didn’t have the opportunity he had growing up.

A recent Interview with BBC  shows Emeka showcasing his talent. Read the actual interview here

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