
The Co-Curricular programmed is a truly integral part of Champions Vocational Center school life. What we offer is a program focused to help prepare individuals living with autism for independence, whilst providing opportunities for relaxation, fun and achievement.

Co-Curricular Activities

Leather Works
Leather Works
Sewing and Hat Making
Sewing and Hat Making
Animal Rearing
Animal Farming

At its core are vocational skills tailored to each individual’s personal strength. We encourage team work, curiosity, resilience, confidence, creativity and powers of independent thinking. The structure of the curriculum allows our pupils with assistance from their tutors to reflect on their level and range of commitment outside of the classroom and the key attributes that they are gaining..

  • Cooking
  • Sewing & Hat Making
  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Administrative Services
  • Leather Works
  • Farming
  • Ushering
  • Animal Rearing

As a result, once a student, goes through the process and acquires any of the skills above, we are confident that all pupils will be able to thrive and excel outside the classroom, whilst gaining the much converted soft skills that society holds in high regard.

Support Us

Our goal is to cater for more people living with Autism and we need your help to make it happen.

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